

So, got a tumblr blog also. http://tumblr.sirjohn.co.uk/

Just experimenting. It’s just posts here that are pinged to tumblr for a wider audience or whatnot.

Will it replace WordPress for me? Not sure. tumblr is more of a microblog, though I don’t “blog” with WordPress much these days anyway. Most my snippets of uninteresting stuff are on twitter or Google+ mostly. Also having a bit of a social dabble on pinterest.

Still, if interested, you can cross post WordPress to tumblr with plugins like Tumblr Crosspostr (source is published on GitHub: https://github.com/meitar/tumblr-crosspostr)

Also like that it’s easy to point a domain to tumblr, so presently I’m running tumblr as a subdomain with WordPress being the default for the root/www of the domain.

Nokia Sports Tracker Widget

For those with Nokia Nseries phones, you may have come across Nokia’s fantastic Sports Tracker application, which turns your phone into a tracking device for walking, running, cycling, skiing and whatever (with the aid of a GPS unit, either built in like on the N95 or an external Blue-tooth GPS). Essentially like those expensive GPS units you get for cycling but making using of your phone and GPS. Perhaps not as complex as the “real” ones, but does a good job anyway of tracking where you are, a reasonable speed estimate and also even altitude! (all just via GPS). I’ve used it a fair bit now for skiing and cycling, and it’s one of the killer apps for my N80, along with Nokia Maps with GPS navigation. iPhone may have some nice polo neck wearers eye candy, but with features like these and mostly for free (well Maps guided navigation costs a small amount, but otherwise free as is sports tracker)… why do I need an iPhone again?

Anyway, Sports Tracker goes a step further by allowing you to upload and share in true “social” networking fashion your tracks, and attach photos and video taken on your route! Very neat.

To aid the sharing, Nokia now have a widget for use on blogs and social networking sites…

Nokia Nseries Sports Tracker Widget